Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Yet Another Board Meeting

Golly, these past two weeks have flown by so fast, it looks like it's already time for another Board Meeting to plot the future of "formerly and F school,now a fake, unearned C school" Windsor Prep and it's sister school in shame East Windsor Middle Academy.

I bet these meetings are a real hoot too. So much work to be done...plans to be made...hope to be had.

Wonder if they bring shovels to help themselves dig out from under the mess?


  1. Haha, I'm sorry you hate children. Reading your useless rants is entertaining though. Must suck to be the grumpy old troll under the bridge with 1000 angry blogs and about 6 responses. Enjoy your obscurity.

    1. Ha Ha, Mr. Gardner, I don't hate children...I hate the way this school has affected this neighborhood, and the fact that it's been such a failure, and drain on our tax dollars as it's mismanagement drained it into a cesspool. And by obscurity...you mean that which was important enough for you to troll and comment upon? Because I do so enjoy that.

    2. Just because you have enough key words in your grandiloquent diatribe to organically populate in the 1st page of Google searches related to Windsor Prep means nothing and adds no validity to your rants. You hide behind your blog, unlike me who is more than happy to share my identity. Just another whining internet no name making noise about things we are all aware of. This isn't the only school with mismanaged assets and it's not just YOUR tax dollars that were wasted. Every parent of every student has a stake in this. Rest assured I will be at the board meeting on May 17th making my voice known. Where will you be? Sitting behind your keyboard. Some people see a problem and work together to fix it for the greater good of all involved. And then there are people like you that just complain about the sad state of the world and do nothing but write about it.

    3. I do not owe you my identity. Your school and it's staff and attacked and maligned multiple neighbors in various ways, resulting in this blog's anonymous posts, so your persisting in harassing me over that is pointless..as is your defending the schools. The joke is that you still persist in stating that there was no validity to any of my posts. Um..not sure, but did you hear about those indictments? And had you been "well aware of" those facts, then why did none of you act on them over the past couple of years? So, continue to come here and insult this blog, and it's author. Continue to try and make that grand point that you are willing to put your identity out there. ( that just shows that people on this side aren't as hateful as on yours because you have suffered no harm in doing so) And yes..very good..make your voice be heard. That is your right and privilege, as it is mine. And don't worry...my voice will be heard..and there is a doozy of a post coming up. More facts that you won't like..just sayin.

  2. I have followed your blog for quite a while, and I am truly surprised on the amount of information and knowledge you have shared concerning Charter Schools, management companies, and who the key players are. I know more about the situation with NEP and how they managed the schools in this area than most, so I can fill in some of the gaps if you are interested. I just have two concerns in question form...

    1. Are parents at Windsor really worse than any other parents of any other public school in Pinellas County? (And please don't say 'no other parents are causing you grief besides Windsor parents'...they didn't decide to put a school there)
    2. Did you actually talk to teachers, students, and parents on how much work has gone into educating the students over the past few years? (If not, I don't think it's
    fair to say the grade wasn't earned...I know how the grade was determined and I don't agree with that either but it doesn't mean it's not accurate. A 'C' is fair in my opinion, and I'm more informed than you on that subject....well at least I think I am.

    Lastly, just a comment: Keep shedding light on who the bad guys are....you know them....and they are not the parents, teachers, or staff.

    1. I'm intrigued that someone in your position at a NewPoint school would be "truly surprised" at someone finding and sharing information so readily available.
      Conversely, I'm sure that I haven't begun to truly wipe away even the thinnest layer of grime through my very amateurish sleuthing.
      While I'm not sure what gaps, if any you, would actually be willing to fill, I am mildly confused by your need for me to answer your two questions...but here goes.
      I do not know if Windsor Prep parents are worse than other parents throughout Pinellas. But, one does need to note the others are not our concern, whether you wanted me to, or not.
      It is the Windsor Prep parents who have CHOSEN to behave as they do, despite how any other parents behave, and which is certainly not due to the school's location, but rather their senses of self entitlement and apparent contempt for anything that conflicts with their desires. The location merely compounds the problems, essentially holding us hostage to their behavior.
      As far as talking to teachers...no...mostly they just tend to insult, yell, and curse at my neighbors and I, in addition to staff not replying to emails, hanging the phone up on us, lying to the county ( which the county caught), etc.
      None of us would have ever approached a child as they are none culpable in any way.
      And frankly, interaction with the parents has been primarily limited to them screaming at many of us, along with verbal threats, their littering, their not caring if they damage our property (several mailboxes damaged), us watching at least two physical fights over parking on the street (between parents, not neighbors), etc. After all that and more, its rather difficult to approach any of them.
      I did avail myself of information provided by the Pinellas County School Board, news articles quoting the former principal, publicly filed corrective action plans, and the States issued grades based on testing.
      The "C", by the states' own admission, is a guesstimate at best, based on a (hopeful) assumption that there would have been some improvement, and was designed to placate schools, districts, and parents.
      Lastly, I will continue "shedding light on the bad guys", All of them..at every level.

    2. 1. Okay...maybe I should not be surprised, but I was just trying to give you a compliment.....I'll try not to do that again!..lol.
      2. A 'FEW' of the parents and teachers I'm sure have acted in a negative way towards you and your neighbors, and for that I am sorry. But your generalization of Windsor parents and teachers takes away from your credibility.
      3. I didn't have a need for you to answer my questions. Just wanted to make a valid point on the Windsor parents and teachers as a whole, not being as bad as you are implying. Single out the individuals but don't lump all of them into one big cesspool(not sure why you like that word...wait..don't answer that....another dig on the school is coming....but anywho)
      4. I'm glad you availed yourself of so much information concerning the school grade, but unfortunately it wasn't enough.....the 'C' grade is fair. I could show you a lot more information like lesson plans, curriculum guides, the time spent after school in tutoring, etc. but I doubt you would care or believe it's true. Que sera sera.
      5. Lastly, I have agreed with 98% of your blog and I love your honesty, wit, passion, and resourcefulness (dang it....I promised I wouldn't compliment you, but I couldn't help it) ... but you are fighting the wrong windmills with this one Quixote...

    3. Regarding #1- Lol, I guess I should cut you slack in that I have been attacked here so many times I view everything with suspicion.
      #2- It is far more than a "few", but yes, I will concede that many are probably very good people ( we will just gloss over the over 100 who tried to get my neighbor fired from her job, and all the other stuff I suppose.) However, I don't agree that it detracts from my "credibility" as I also have facts to back me up.
      #3- Because cesspool is just so fun a label to use :)
      #4- I understand than many of the teachers tried very hard, with the limited resources that they had available, to do right by these kids. BUT, they did still lack said resources, and the failings are well documented with the County, press coverage, etc.
      #5- thank you for the praise...but when the windmills are burning themselves down, fighting them is fairly effortless. But..I do love the analogy.

  3. Keep shedding light on the bad guys....you know who they are.....not the parents, teachers, or staff.
