Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday Morning Blues

There is an excellent article this that I was waiting for.

I was anxiously awaiting it since speaking with the reporter, a wonderful writer Colleen Wright.

In her investigative report for the Tampa Bay Times, she really dug into the shady operations of Newpoint and it's mismanagement of several schools, including Windsor Prep and East Windsor.

She did a wonderful job  connecting many of the dots that tie all of these people and companies together, including how most of these companies ultimately can be traced back to Marcus May. 
* And one of my readers wonders why I keep referring to the schools as a collective cesspool. DUH!

As I have noted before, Mr. May learned how to operate while affiliated with White Hat in Ohio. He and David Styles almost have to be admired for how deeply they can bury themselves, and for their ability to keep getting away with it.

Interestingly, in the article, Board Director Robert Pergolizzi is quoted:

"In Pinellas, members of the schools' boards now concede they let Newpoint take the reins and were left in the dark on many matters. No one, they said, questioned the schools' purchasing decisions or finances.
"We were under the impression that we were getting the truth," said Robert Pergolizzi, the founding board chair of Windsor Schools Inc. As time went on, he said, "the more and more distrustful I became."
Oh really... I think he understands how things work just fine. He plays a good game. How else can you explain his signing off on everything thus far? 
  There is a reason he was the board chair at all the Pinellas schools. 
And surely a man who runs a successful company, and who has had previous experience with running a charter school ( Oh yes, he is not new to this kind of rodeo folks),would pay better attention when signing off on legally binding documents authorizing the spending of literally MILLIONs of tax dollars than he seems to have done.  At least this blogger would think so.

Interesting connections, huh? But wait dear readers...there's more. 
Look who the registered agent is for Pinellas Education Organization...another business affiliated with  Windsor Prep...Your new attorney .....convenient, huh?  She was also the attorney representing Imagine Schools against it's former principal. Not that I am alleging she is doing anything untoward or disreputable...I just find it interesting. At least she knows a lot about Charter Schools :)

Really makes you wonder why Mr. Pergolizzi pushed so hard for Alliance to take over, along with a few other things like that conveniently time "debt forgiveness".'s important to vet anyone and everyone..including the parents if you really want to succeed. After ignoring the points I was making here, and all of the problems at the school over the last couple years, you can not afford to be lax in this...oh wait..I forgot..Tax payers are footing the bill, so maybe you still don't care.

So for now I leave you to ponder the great article in the Times...and cut paste some of these links in your browsers and look hard at the common addresses, companies, and names linking all of them, and how they all seem to lead back to Marcus May and David Stiles:
Windsor School Inc- registered agent Windsor Education LLC - c/o Robert Pergolizzi

Look at the common addresses, and some of the names of businesses and people associated:


Windsor Prep contracted with Windsor Education for "educational services, etc" per their financial statements; Also page 28 shows info on lease agreement which looks like money goes to Newpoint :

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