Monday, April 4, 2016

D-Day Looming

  Well, tomorrow is D-day for the "Rescue Plan" ordered to be submitted by the school, to the Pinellas County School Board.

  Wonder how that is going to go?
  Will they manage to convince the School Board not to revoke the Charter?
  Will they let Alliance Ed. of Florida take over, or will they award the management of the really an F but awarded an unwarranted C school Windsor Prep, and it's partner school East Windsor Middle, to one of the other sharks management companies circling the water that has expressed an interest?
  Will they shutter the whole scam operation at the end of the school year and just reorganize, apply for a new charter, and reopen as a new school to bilk the tax payers of Pinellas County out of millions more tax dollars?
  Who Knows! So much DRAMA!

So far all we know is the school(s) spending more money for an audit,

  Jennifer Lucas was in attendance with a lively doomsday argument for why her company should be allowed to swoop in and "save" Windsor. She isn't quite as slick as her partner, is she?

  I still want to know why Alliance Ed. of Florida is so hot and heavy to "acquire" the management of the schools. With their track record, I don't find it suspicious at all, do you? (*note the dripping sarcasm in the previous comment, Heh heh heh heh heh)

Anywhoo...I can't wait to read the submission from the school. It should be good for a solid laugh out loud moment.

  In the meantime, and just for fun, go to the school's webpage and read the (very few) Board Meeting Minutes posted from previous board meetings.
  It's funny how no parents ever cared enough to show up, or keep up with the school's business until just recently.
  Was meeting the minimal number of volunteer hours each year the maximum they could invest?   Oh well, seems like they got what they earned, as we all continue to foot the bill for this tax payer funded quagmire that just keeps getting worse and worse.


  1. AWP: It looks like Newpoint had a good thing going by targeting low income parents who can't fight them when they blew up school after school and burned through tax payers money. The current Windsor parents are not the typical parents and they're the first ones in a series of failed Newpoint school that's giving Newpoint hell/war. They fought to seize control of the school board, in the process made 3 of the 4 board members resigned. Then changed the bylaws to put 2 parents on the board and then added an accountant board member and a school board member into the new board. Now it looks like they're going after Newpoint legally and make them accountable for tax payer dollars. The media attention they've managed will hopefully result in legislation which will put a stop to the current charter school abuse by Hedged Funds, politicians, and those who are only there to such the school and leave it to die.

    1. Interesting how you mention low income families being targeted when you live in that pretty expensive town home. What's the matter, enrolled your kid(s) here because you couldn't afford the mortgage and private school tuition, only to be let down by your own lack of research into this sham operation? But you keep on keeping on dude.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. While I agree with the first part of your comment, and agree that it's good that the parents finally took an interest and are trying to "fight", they are far from the first parents whose children attend a Newpoint school to wrest control away and assign a new management company, nor are they the first to garner media attention. This story has repeated itself from Pensacola, to Hillsborough, to Pinellas, to South Florida.

    Please..please...please...research. Google is your friend, and had any of the parents simply researched this company when the school was opening, a lot of this, if not all, could have been avoided.

    If even a quarter of the time spent harassing this blogger had been directed towards actually reading the links and information in my posts, you could at least have headed some of this off at the pass.

    Now everyone is trying to appear as heroic, and working hard for the kids. My question continues to be why would you have enrolled them there in the first place?

    Oh..that's one researched
