Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ha Ha Ha Ha

 These are the minutes of the April 13th  Windsor Prep Board Meeting. As usual, it's a fun read. I especially love the part at the bottom where they mention "improving neighbor relations".

 How fun is that? How about it took my neighbor THIRTY FIVE MINUTES to get from the corner of 49th street and 54th avenue to her house at the end cul de sac the other day? We can't even get a pass into our own neighborhood. 

It doesn't matter if you are elderly, sick, tired from working, or an ambulance trying to respond it to assist someone, as we have all witnessed. All that matters to them, is that one more car rolls through a stop sign to squeeze themselves in ahead of someone else. To Hell with the intersections or driveways they block, or the lives they affect. 

 Or how about the very next day that another neighbor was coming around the curve by the second gate, and one of the oh so lovely and concerned parents, who is far too important to (gasp) wait in the school line, cuts her off to execute a three point turn in the middle of the road in order to dump her precious children off in the street outside the grounds like so much garbage. 

You truly want "improved relations"? How about trying to cut the neighborhood some slack? Or show the neighbors just a modicum of respect?


  1. AWP: Let's be productive and us this change the school is going through to our advantage and propose some solutions and work on a compromise. Compromise is going to get things done a lot further then complaining and sticking it to the school NEP created. Previously NEP could care less, now with the parent controlled board and new community leaders on the board the community have a voice. The school have to become stable and free from NEP which is until later in June legally, as a first priority. If the school didn't fight then it would have been replaced by another management company, but instead it's replaced by people that care to mention community relations. By even the school putting community relations on the agenda is a big start. I think a neighborhood watch group should be formed with the police. The neighborhood watch group in official watch T-Shirts then can officially take pictures/videos of offending drivers with license plates. The evidence can be handed over to the police and the school later when they stabilize. With the video evidence, the school can be pain to the parents by calling them into the school from their regular job. Do this enough and the word will get out for the few bad apples to behave.

  2. AWP: Regarding the long amount of time it took for neighbor to get to her house, was that the same day there was an unexpected fire alarm triggered which happened at the exact time the school day end and people were exiting the school. If it was, the school turned the matter over to the police for the parent of the student who did it to take the matter seriously.

  3. AWP: But before videos/pictures are taken, the rules of how to go about it should be coordinated with the police and the school to give the parents fair notice of what's about to happen comes the new school year. There's only 1 month left of the current year, so it's good to get this rolling now. But it'll be good to get it to the school so it'll be sent out to all parents before the next school year begins.

    1. No rules can be established for someone doing something that is not against the law, follows guidelines set in Florida State Statutes, and oiccured wholly within public space. P!ease brush up on the facts, and laws, before you attempt to over reach.

  4. AWP: Better yet, if the community, school, and police can sit down together in a meeting that would be best after the initial details have been worked out between the neighborhood watch group and the police.

    1. First, no, it is like that every afternoon, you know that. Second, NEP had NOTHING to do with the way the parents and teachers have ALWAYS CHOSEN to drive through, and behave towards the neighbors of this school.
      I do agree that its nice some of you may want to reach out, but you must understand that after three years of this mess, neighbors will be hesitent to believe in your overtures to say the least.
      Lastly, it is noit against the law to film cars,traffic, or people in a public setting. Threfor it is not necessary to "form a neighbourhood watch group" to do so. Your wonderful people harassed the neighbors trying so hard to help themselves when you, your school, and the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office would not. Your school even distributed information to try and get a woman fired from her job for doing so.
      That is why this blog started, that is why it will continue.
      Your behavior, and that of the staff members, and other parents is completely on you. Remember that.Show respect. That's the only way things will improve.

    2. AWP: Just saying compromise, goes a lot further then holding a position for ever.

  5. AWP: You've been very informative, thank you very for spending so much of your time on this. I can't imagine many people will spend their life this way.

    - Your Fan

    1. Not sure if this was meant sarcastically or not, but since you have gleaned so much information to help your cause, from this blog, I'll take it as a thank you.

  6. Yes Rick, compromise is always good. I agree, but you setting rules and guidelines for the neighbors is ludicrous. You truly are over stepping to even suggest it.
    I understand your desires to keep the peace, and that you're fighting a difficult battle to save this school. But it seems one of the most effective strategies in that would be to drop the arrogence which has been so apparent in all of you.
    There is no reason this school and its staff members and patents have had to be so dismissive, and frankly rude to the residents of the surrounding neighborhood.
    Further, there is no possibility that you or anyone associated with your school will control or dictate anyone in this neighborhoods behavior.
    If you truly want compromise, you approach it by acknowledging the hardship that exists and reach out to find solutions together. You don't approach it by suggesting we should do as you determined be we will be allowed. Especially when you doing seem to understand the law.

  7. AWP: Thanks for your feedback. Honestly, I'm mainly interested in using your blog and I appreciate all the research you've done. The countless hours you've spent on this subject have been very helpful and all for free. Please continue.

    But personally, I would have moved 3 years ago - but that's just me and let NEP do it's thing and just hangout in a flat that suits me better.

    - Your Fan

    1. And there are the true colors coming out. Thank youy Mr. Tea. None of you ever let us down. Ever.yoiu were niuce until you realize you can't dictate our actions.
      Personally, I would move the school.then you wouldnt have pay millions in rent over the next few years to the same shady people.
      So that said, you keep fighting for that school, and I'll keep amusing myself with this silly ole blog.

  8. So let me see if I understand your correctly. You hate Windsor due to many reason, including their lack of respect for your neighborhood. Now that they are getting their act together, and trying to make things better, you've decided that an attempt to compromise with them is too much for you. My interpretation may be off, but since you really don't care about others opinions, I'm not sure why I should care about yours. Great job at complaining wit ghost actually doing something about it though. You excel at that.

    1. Clearly you don't understand what I said, but that's okay. Your desperation to prove yourself a complete horses ass probably skewed your interpretation. Try rereading what I wrote. I would edit it with smaller words for you, but ....would that really help?

  9. it wasn't your idea, therefore it's not a good one right? Or maybe you just can't find the time to start actively (as in real-life, off the computer) try to get things fixed in your neighborhood? Like going to a city hall or public safety committee to address the traffic concerns? Sounds to me like the kettle caking the teapot black here - your very vocal in the anonymity that an online blog provides, but what are YOU actually doing to make things better? A lot of complaining, obviously...with a substantial amount of arrogance on your part as well. Your blog isn't helping to make relations better - I the opposite as far as I can tell. You derisive and condescending, and yet you want them to crawl out to you begging your forgiveness. Now that's a laugh!!! Seriously - shut up or put up. Oh - and guess what, I really don't care if you like or dislike my opinion either. I'm perfectly content hiding behind my online persona - isn't being a hypocrite just great??? I'm modeling myself after you!

    1. Now, to address this flawed attack of yours.
      We, as a neighbourhood did approach the county and PCSO for help. If you were smarter you would know we are in unincorporated Pinellas county, so no city hall to go to. The "safety committee" you speak so vaguely of is the County transportation and safety office, and we did approach them. Even had a large meting with them in front of your precious school one morning. Some changes diud come about do to our efforts with them which improved the situation somewhat. The sherrifs office didn't help us much, but that was mainly do to the conflict of interest in that the deputy who kept being sent out...well his wife was, and may still be the principals assistant. Yeah. Nice, huh?
      So yes, I am vocal, and I do choose to remain anonymous. That's my right as it is yours. Of course I choose to do so due the bullying and harassment my neighbors and I suffered at the hands of the parents and staff. Not knowing who I am keeps further harassment at bay.
      Now as far as the shut up I will continue to exercise my right to post here.
      Further, I have not asked anyone, at any point, to "beg for forgiveness" but what would it matter if I did?
      What I did do is stand up and reject your side essentially trying into tell me I would need permission to do things that are legal, and frankly are my lawful right to do. That isn't presumptuous, arrogent, or condescending? Maybe you should study up on the definitions of those words.
      So, I guess the laugh really is on you. So youre offended by my blog.Your offended by my mocking your school, you parents, the staff, etc. You don't like my insults. All that hatred leads you to post here,to try and call me out, to insulting me. Ok. Well then, how does that make you better? Pot meet kettle back atcha bonehead.

  10. AWP: Windsor is a major landmark next to your home.

    How does it increase your property value and your neighbors when this blog is listed on the same page as the school? If my home is here I would say wonderful things, so I can unload the house to a Windsor parent for a nice price, which will benefit others who want to sale also. I'm not sure how you're going to get the blog out of the search engines to increase the values of home, it's a shame that you would take this reactive approach.

    1. Rick, I have to hand it to you. Good try, but we all know Windsor is not an assert to this neighborhood.
      It turned a quiet little neighborhood into a twice a day traffic jam. If an ambulance can't bget through how do you seriously expoect a real estate agent to?
      Do you want to live in the mess? Do you want your every day existence to be spent trying to schedule appointments, shopping, dog walking, repair service calls, etc around all that?
      No Windsor parent wants to deal with it. No one does.
      But again...smooth how you suggest taking the blog out of search engines. Maybe then people searching for info on the school wouldn't see what its really like then, huh?
