Saturday, June 25, 2016

Some People Never Change

Gosh, so much happens when one steps away from blogging for a few days, hmmmm?

I guess my stepping back a bit really flustered a few in the "Hope For Windsor" crowd, as one of them had to push back from the trough of self pity and entitlement to leave a comment.

I'll post their comment here for you, so that we can all discuss, and enjoy it:

For someone whose dreams have come true you are awfully quiet. I hope you can enjoy peace and quiet in your little corner of Lealman once again. Unfortunately, your peace and quiet came at the cost of 700+ children's stability and comfort. Now please excuse yourself from the Hope for Windsor page as you never belonged there in the first place as well as any other page or group would weaseled your way on to.
* Ignore their grammatical errors and poor wording* *And excuse me, but it was not on a "Hope for Windsor" page, but rather was on the PUBLIC Facebook page for the PTA* *Just sayin*

I just find it so gosh darn disgusting amusing that these Hopeless Hopeful folk have determined I have enough power to have had these schools shut down.
It's just further proof that they none want to accept any responsibility. 
The parents of the children who were enrolled in these schools are as culpable as the management company. Especially any parent who enrolled their child there from the second year onward.

In fact, I think that makes them MORE culpable.

The simple fact is that none of them cared one whit about where they were actually sending their kids. That they all apparently fell for the pretty campus in a small neighborhood, which made them feel as if it were a private school experience, is pathetic. 

It effectively enabled the criminals at NEP in bilking the tax payers out of millions. The parents therefor deprived their own children out of a truly "stable" educational experience. It was not the fault of this blogger, nor any of the residents of this beleaguered neighborhood.

The parents have all been so quick to defend the teachers and staff at this cesspool too. Why?  It leads me to ask, what kind of teacher or educator, who really and truly cares about the children they have oversight of, would continue to encourage parents to keep their children enrolled in a failing endeavor? Think about it. Shouldn't they have wanted better for these kids?

Windsor Prep, aside from having a dirty management company, has been an "F" school since it's second year.  It's academic failings were well documented AND publicized, and not just on this blog.
Since I am not one of the teachers there, nor was I responsible in any way for the lack of educational materials, for any of these parents to sit back and try to blame me for any part of this is ludicrous to say the least. 
So, "Anonymous", those 700+ children did not lose their "stability and comfort" as you so pathetically phrased it, because of my desire for "peace and quiet". 
It came as the direct result of your, and your fellow parents, failure to research, or recognize what this school was all about and to prepare for it's ultimate downfall. 
If nothing else, this blog handed you all that information on a silver just were none smart enough to learn from it.
Frankly, you all should be ashamed, just as Newpoint Education Partners, and anyone else involved in these schools should be. 

You're just too blind, and self absorbed to see it.


  1. I choose to remain anonymous as I'm familiar with your history of stalking and harrassing when confronted and I'm choosing not to subject myself or my family to that kind of crazy.
    At no point in my comment did I give you credit for getting our school closed. I simply said your dreams have come true. By no means do I think you had anything to do with the closing of this school so unless your name is David Stiles, Marcus May or Eileen Quinla, you can stop patting yourself on the back.
    Now brace yourself, I'm going to bring some logic into this conversation... The grades at our school were low the first 2 years as expected since the children tested in the first couple of years came from our lovely public schools. However, if you care to look at more recent data, both schools were C rated for 2014-2015 and our 3rd grade FSA scores exceeded state and county averages for 2015-2016. I find this to be a particularly interesting statistic as our 2015-2016 3rd graders were the inaugural Windsor class and many of them had only attended Windsor. Imagine what we could have done for these kids without the fraud and theft!
    You are right about one thing though. I was drawn to the smaller school setting and the family oriented environment. Who wouldn't want their child to be a name and not a number? I didn't research NEP or the disgusting team of crooks at their helm. I was foolish enough to trust our State Department of Education and the Pinellas County School Board to oversee the finances and operations of this school since that's their job! I was naive in thinking that people would not victimize children as young as 3 years old for their own financial gain under the supervision of the county. Silly me!
    Whatever drew us to the school, whatever research we did or didn't do before we arrived, we wouldn't have fought so damn hard if our kids weren't thriving. Even with the corruption, deception and fraud taking place on the "business" side, our children were loved. Our children laughed and learned and felt safe which is more than they will get at many of our public schools. I'm guessing you don't have children because if you did, you would understand and appreciate our "why". You may have even been fighting with, not against us the last 2 years.
    You have posted things on this page that could only have been obtained from the Hope page so let's not play like you aren't on there. Either way, your pleasure at our plight is disturbing.
    I truly hope you enjoy the vacant, rotting building that was built with your precious taxpayer dollars.
    I hope you don't find another cause to spew your hatred and anger on from behind your computer screen but I'm sure it's just a matter of time before another group catches your eye and the daggers fly via an antiwhatever.blogspot page. Good luck to you and more luck to them!

  2. Well good for you. And since you had so much to say, with so many point to cover, I made a new blog post. Read it, or don't but rest are so wrong in every way.
