Friday, June 10, 2016

Ha Ha Ha Now Your Kids Will Go To Public School *updated*

   So Windsor Prep and East Windsor Middle will now be public schools. (If they survive at all)
    It was wonderful to see some of you, through your self pitying tears, trying to reassure yourselves that you won, since it will be a (you hope) magnet school. (If the property owner agrees)

   The truth is, you lost. You parents failed your kids, and you failed the citizens of this county. And you were so determined to "win" you didn't even realize it, or, in the case of the money wasted, care.

   You had so many warning signs over the last three or four years, yet you ignored them.

   A pretty campus in a small neighborhood made you feel as though you had your kids in a private school environment at no cost. Who cared that it cost the tax payers MILLIONS!

   All this time, the teachers and school have earned an "F" rating, your kids lacked promised resources and materials, promise's kept being made to you and not kept....and you all did NOTHING.

  Again, you didn't care that millions of dollars were being misspent. You didn't care when your kids were enrolled in an "F" school.

    Well, you sure got what you paid for. Karma is free too.

Here's WFLA's report. Windsor Prep and East Windsor have given up their charter and will hopefully become a magnet school.

  Now you will have no more control than the average parents do. Seems like that's a good thing. No, it is a good thing.

  Too bad those very vocal teachers who contributed so thoroughly to the Windsor Prep's earning consistent F's will probably be allowed to stick around. Hopefully soon there will be less mugging for the cameras and more actual teaching.

Update: Here is a link to the letter the Windsor Prep Board sent Mr. Grego and the PCSB.



  1. This whole thing is a cluster! The county should have never allowed the construction or the NEW addition to the school to begin with i question the egress safety and the ratios of land to buildings square footage as well as paved/ impervious surface ratio's like the parking lot etc... This property does not have the proper area to accommodate the needs of anything more than what is was for many years. a small private school. there was absolutely no problems when it was wellington. SOME ONE DROPPED THE BALL AT THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND THEY SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED ALONG WITH THE REST OF THE CORRUPTION. With that said The PINELLAS COUNTY SCHOOL BOARDS EFFORTS TO ACCOMMODATE ALL THESE NAGGING PARENTS AND TURN THIS INTO A MAGNET SCHOOL MIGHT WANT TO RE THINK THERE DECISIONS. Things will only get worse when there
    is SCHOOL BUSES! Driving in and out of the neighborhood DAILY! Along with other vehicle traffic. A real nightmare for local residence and homeowners to this neighborhood.

    1. I agree with you on many points.
      The county really dropped the ball when they allowed a school this large to move into such a limited neighborhood.
      I too remember Wellington, and there were never the issues with them as with this mess. They were also a group who cared about the neighborhood around them and had respect for others, unlike the self entitled group that we have been dealing with here.
      I believe the advantage we have now however is when the County takes it over, they will have to listen to us when we complain.
      Previously, and as you probably experienced, if you had an issue or complaint,the school staff only cursed you out,insulted you, or hung up on you...the school board would tell you they have no "oversight" of charter schools...the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office would only send out the deputy who's wife works at the school( or one of his obnoxious coworkers)...the Board of County Commissioners ignored us.
      Now, the County is accountable, which will make a difference.
      Yes, we will still have traffic back ups, but a lot of the rest, such as the cursing, screaming teachers, roads being blocked, stop signs being run, hydrants blocked, yards being parked in, etc., will stop. The Sheriff and his band of merry men will have to respond properly and enforce the traffic laws, because the school board will get tired of hearing from us.
      It is a small victory, but a victory none the less.Nothing will ever be perfect..that's the reality.
      But on the plus side, the arrogant bastards really didn't win, and on a mean level, that feels pretty good.

    2. Oh honey...good for your Windsor student, and good for you. You and your mini you know at least three whole things then. Yay!
      And while we are at it, thank you too for proving yourself to be an ass like the rest of the Windsor parents.
      I'm sure however that you and your precious baby boo are anomalies considering the expletive laden, poorly phrased comments, filled with words misspelled and improperly used, that I have been on the receiving end of from MULTIPLE Windsor Prep parents, teachers, and students.
      In fact, judging by the comments previously left here by you and your ilk, I'm actually wondering if you had help with your lil ole missive.
      Hell, even some of your great spokespersons sound and write like idiots. But that didn't stop any of you from begging for sympathy, now did it?
      And lastly, even if you by some miracle did not have to ask for help with your comment, I'm sure you have never written or said anything incorrectly when you were addressing a topic that you felt so passionately about. Yeah...uh huh. Troll.

    3. Ha Ha Ha. Mr. or Mrs. Smarty Pants who initially left a snarky comment to which I responded (above) has deleted their (see I used it correctly) comment after my response was posted. I love it. You troll, then you delete. Idiot.
      But, so that people can see how lovely you and all the other Hope For Windsor crowd are, I will paste your comment here for all to see. (you're welcome) ( insert smiley face)
      6:07 PM (2 hours ago)

      to me
      TheirThereThey're has left a new comment on your post "Ha Ha Ha Now Your Kids Will Go To Public School":


      ...My Windsor student (age 6) knows the difference between their, there, and they're.

  2. They should not be allowed to reopen as any type school with out a serious feasibility study being done. You cant just rush things like that Pinellas County School board!

  3. I just discovered this blog and Like it! I could go on for days but. Bottom line is these parents who have been bashing other neighborhood public schools and that feel no other schools are good enough for there kids and have some since of entitlement or feel like there zoned public schools are beneath there dignity might need to get a 2nd or even third job to pay for private school. BECAUSE ITS NOT THE TAXPAYERS JOBS TO ACCOMMODATE THERE HIGH STANDARDS. And really there all delusional because the school is not the gospel they try and make it out to be. They should put all that energy into making there neighborhood zoned school a better place. In short THEY WANT THE TITLE BUT DON'T WANT TO PAY FOR IT!
    Lastly what kind of parent wants to send there child to a school county ran or not that has only 2 months to reopen as
    a MAGNET school with new curriculum staff etc.. And what kind of staff are they going to have in that short of time?the whole thing is a BIG RUSH JOB!

    1. You are a reader after my own heart!
      These parents are the worst because they were happy to enroll, and keep their children in an F school, while they bitched about this blog, public schools, and anyone or anything they felt encroached upon, or threatened their little bubble of smug.
      First of all, none of what happened should have come as any sort of surprise to them.
      Second, it has been disgusting listening to them condemn public schools in this county when theirs was in the bottom 3% of all schools in this state. The implication that their kids deserve better than other kids in the county shows just how self absorbed, and self entitled they all are.
      And now, like you said, the County is cleaning up the mess as best they can, by slapping it all together in just a couple of months, and will probably use the same teachers who have been consistently earning F's, all the while grinning those big, toothy grins.
      But's still a pretty building and that seems to be all that matters to them. Sad, huh?

  4. So I misspelled or had some misuse of words. Apparently you people were smart enough to figure out what I meant. I got my point across. People don't like the word NO. And don't like to hear the truth. So they grasp at straws when they feel stupid!
    Again another parent in denial with to much time on THEIR HANDS!!! Spell check that out if it makes you feel better. :)have a great day!

    1. That is why the pathetic person who left that snide response deleted her/his comment. They are a just a bunch of nasty, a;; about themselves, jerks.
      And now they are reduced to nit picking and childish insults.
      As I pointed out to them..they have left plenty of comments that could have used more than just spell check...You rock Lealminite. I hope you keep reading, and commenting, those idiots be damned :)
