Friday, June 17, 2016

Busy Busy Busy

So much going on...wheeling and dealing..hoping...negotiating.

Tomorrow is a "special"  Saturday Windsor Prep Board meeting at the school.

Pleas for people to inundate the Pinellas County School Board, Politicians, and the press (but apparently only those friendly to Windsor members of the press, lol) in order to be "heard"...again.

Seeking volunteers to make calls and get people to commit to the chaos and uncertainty that is Windsor Prep and East Windsor Middle.

Tick Tock ,Tick Tock.

Of course dear readers, they aren't the only voices that need to be heard. Please feel free to call, write, and email as well...Let them all know what you think about this too.

I would suggest sending something along the lines of the following:

Dear Superintendant Grego, ( I would also cc the press, and the entire school board)

As a tax paying member of the community affected by the Newpoint Education/Windsor Schools LLC debacle, I am hoping that the Pinellas County School Board does take over the schools and operate them so that there will be a level of accountability not seen thus far.

That said, I would also hope that the PCSB not allow themselves to continue being bullied and pressured by the aggressive demands of the "Hope For Windsor" crowd.

This transition MUST BE handled fairly. No preferential treatment should be given to the students, or staff, as that would not be fair to other students in the county who also desire a quality education, and teachers who would like similar opportunities. Therefor, a  new lottery should be opened, as well as aggressively screening the teachers to ensure quality staffing from here on out.

Additionally, the parents and current board should not be allowed  a level of control and influence not afforded to other parents whose children attend other schools in the county. To do so would imply that the other students and families in this county do not matter as much as this group.

The demands sent to you by the parents and Windsor board are ridiculous, and to continue to cater to a self entitled, self serving group such as this would truly be an insult to the tax paying, voting citizens of Pinellas County who have been watching this play out.

Pinellas County School Board 727-588-6300
Superintendants Office 727-588-6011

Senator Jeff Brandes
District Office
9800 4th Street North
Suite 200
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
(727) 563-2100
Senate VOIP: 42200

 Tallahassee Office
318 Senate Office Building
404 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100
(850) 487-5022
Senate VOIP: 5022,,,,

On the Windsor PTA Facebook page they have a "suggested" letter for their people. It reads as follows:
Dear PCSB members,

As a Windsor parent and vocal community member, I strongly urge you to follow through on your promise to keep Windsor Schools great. 

Last week, you received a list of suggestions that we parents want to continue at Windsor Prep/East Windsor. These suggestions are the CORE ASPECTS of what makes Windsor Families so dedicated and committed to the school. This list represents SUCCESS, ACHIEVEMENT, and a Sense of Purpose that makes Our schools so uniquely Windsor. Please do not take these suggestions lightly - you are attracted to our school as a Project Based Learning Magnet - the reason we have had success in this model is BECAUSE of the very suggestions made to you. If you dismiss these, then you are destroying what you are actively seeking to save.

I have been told to have faith in you, and that you are working on this. My faith and trust don't come easy, especially after what our school has been through. So I ask that you demonstrate your commitment to keeping Windsor Great by simply making a public statement as to what your intents are.
In regards to our suggestions, Dr. Grego stated that "none of it is unreasonable" ( If that is true, than I don't see why making a public statement regarding the what will and won't be incorporated into our school would be an unreasonable request.

Thank you for your continued collaborative efforts to work with Windsor Schools. I look forward to seeing your public response on this matter.



What a bunch of hooey



  1. For someone whose dreams have come true you are awfully quiet. I hope you can enjoy peace and quiet in your little corner of Lealman once again. Unfortunately, your peace and quiet came at the cost of 700+ children's stability and comfort. Now please excuse yourself from the Hope for Windsor page as you never belonged there in the first place as well as any other page or group would weaseled your way on to.

    1. Ooooh...why so bitter Anonymous?
      I know you're sad you lost "hope", but really? You come to this blog to troll, and attack me for going your school PTA's PUBLIC FACEBOOK PAGE? Seriously? No "weaseling needed. Hee hee.( and it's isn't "would weaseled"-perhaps you need schooling too?)
      As for the rest, so sorry for your "discomfort". I know you self entitled, hopeful type were very concerned about YOUR comfort...just not anyone else's.
      Now, I will say, you chose to enroll your precious kid(s) in this "school", you didn't care at all about the impact it was having on the people of this neighborhood.
      And now, you all are riding the karma train and are seeing everything I've posted before about this hot mess you all refer to as a little slice of heaven, and the associated companies that were involved with it coming true. That's sad.
      Gosh, it's got to be so hard having to now pay the price of having been too lazy to research the place you enrolled your kid in.
      This company's history was bad for years before they opened these schools. The information was right there for anyone to find...not just this blogger.
      Perhaps had all you parents taken an hour of your precious time, you would have avoided so much pain and anguish.
      And that my hopeful friend is fully and wholly your responsibility...not mine.
      It's laughable ( and rather pathetic) that you would even be here harassing me and spewing your vitriol, when it seems your time would be far better spent in (gasp) researching a school for your child(ren).
      But then, you all were always so much better at nastiness and bad behavior than actually doing something worthwhile like that. Huh?
