Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Trolls Gotta Troll * Updated*

And then Caleb S. has to snark in the comments:
Is this what you do in your free time? Do you just complain about a school you have nothing to do with? Why don't you find a sport you enjoy, or a new hobby other than stalking a bunch of kids. You may find it amusing, but we don't appreciate it. "
on Yawn. More Comments and Some Facts *With 2 Updates*

My reply:
  Why yes prince charming, this is one of the things I do in my free time, and shocker, I don't really give a whit if you "appreciate it" or not.
   I may not attend, or have children who attend this disaster school, but I have every reason to be concerned about it's operations.
   This Ponzi scheme school is located in my neighborhood, interferes with my, and my neighbors quality of life, and is funded in part by my tax dollars. 
    I would suggest that you look up the actual definition of stalking as well, since you use the word so freely. 
   Lastly, I don't actually find the money pit school and it's operations amusing. It's you, and your ilk, who come here daily to harass me, and defend this tax payer funded debacle, who amuse me to no end. 
Thanks for playing. Buh Bye

Of course then Crystal had to stop by and offer these pearls of wisdom:
we may be rude but its because ur attacking something that we are about alot its doesnt matter if we are an f or c school as long as we learn and pass and have a good education thats all that matters. Ever since i came to this school my grades have gotten better they have helped me so much i am able to talk to people there about anything that is bothering me so u need to back off of windsor and go mess with some other school. "
on Yawn. More Comments and Some Facts *With 2 Updates*

  Well yes, you are rude, and not old enough, or learned enough to understand everything that is wrong with this school.

And then there is this gem which validates everything I have to say about these kids:
Yvonne B.
  "Uh having fun with your pathetic life? Trust me if this school wanted a bitch we would've bought a dog. You have no right to be making fun of the kids who are commenting with bad grammar! Everyone makes mistakes, you should know best your biggest mistake was making this blog. We are supposed to respect our elders, how can we respect you when your constantly picking on our school? So what if ours schools not so great that is NONE of your business!!! Get a life." 

She also left this: Don't you dare call us brats! If this school wanted a bitch we would've bought a dog. You got all these kids roasting the crap out of you, just give up! Is something wrong with your brain? Is your hair dye going into your skull/brain? Oh wait, you have gray hair. Clearly your brain cant function and you can't tell your losing this battle. Have fun with your sad life✌🏼️"

These are the last of the wretched comments that these brats leave that I will post on here. They are children, who have no clue about how the world works, or how taxes should be spent. Or anything else. I don't know where their parents are, or if their parents even care how these precious lil monkeys act or speak, but I for on am over it. 

I think I have engaged enough, and posted enough of their bratty, wretched comments to give readers an idea of what a great job the tax cesspool that Windsor Prep is.

And by the way...yes I am having fun with this. Your school and your behavior amuses me to no end. You guys all got what you paid for. It must be so fun having your school's mess ups all over the news...again :)

Nite Nite Termites

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3/03/2016

    I dont know if you relize this but hardly anyone looks at your blog
