Sunday, January 31, 2016

Fly on the Wall

Drove down past the school this morning and saw that the next C ( nope, everyone does not get a free pass just because the state couldn't test ) "F" school Windsor Prep/ East Windsor Academy Board Meeting is scheduled for February 4th.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

And Now the Children

So now I have a child who clearly must be a student at the "F" school Windsor Prep, or it's affiliated East Windsor Academy, because he can not spell. He posts with a Google plus nickname too crude to print here. Must be his parents are too busy too pay attention to him, or to worry about how he is spending his time.

Meanwhile the petition count is up to 68. Wonder if they will meet their new target, or lower the number again?

David Turner Has Something To Say

Oh what fun, more comments, but this time not from Satan.

Mr Turner feels it's wrong of me to not allow free commenting on my blog, even going so far as to state I am pathetic, yet he still feels compelled to comment....twice.  Hmmmm


   Funny, previously the target number of signatures was 500, now it's down to 150. Seems if you're going for a smaller number that you should be more diligent and restrictive about who signs it.          People that don't have any affiliation with the school have no horse in the race, do they?
  Anonymous folks, folks who don't live anywhere near here...interesting way to get the number stacked.
 Now I wonder though, will the non affiliated, anonymous, and false signatures even count?

Good Morning Boys and Girls. New comments, LOL

So dear readers, another idiot snide reader has left a comment.This one calls itself "Basically Satan" and  has left much to be amused by. Please feel free to play along...

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Sixty signatures...just over one tenth of the goal of 500.

I love the person who commented that they wanted this great education for "not a monthly mortgage payment" and who complained about how bad public schools are.

You are never going to get a "private school education" for free. Period.

No matter what this petition accomplishes, there will still have to be a management company that needs to be paid, and rent on that property ( which right now is in the millions ). That won't change.

Charter, Magnet, and Fundamental schools require the parental involvement that a regular public school doesn't. Maybe if more parents didn't treat schools as a day long baby sitter there wouldn't be this need.

Twenty Six and Counting...Updated

Soooo...there are now twenty-six signatures on the PETITION to "save" the "F" school Windsor Prep, and it's partner school East Windsor Middle School.

I'm sure many more will sign. So far, an anonymous teacher has signed and funnily, it looks like one the rudest of the teachers had her husband sign as well. But really, aren't the teachers part of the problem?

I mean I have had quite a few nasty comments left on this blog telling me how awful I am for "attacking" such a wonderful school, staffed by wonderful people, teaching wonderful things to the deserving kids.

So, who was wrong? Cause the investigations, fraud, lack of supplies, failing grade, and all the other problems leading to a kindergartners parent ( and wouldn't it be funny if that kid was in that nasty teachers class? But hey, her husband signed so it's all good, lol) starting the petion sure weren't caused by this blog.  Just sayin...

*** Updated: now at fifty-one. You guys really are desperate.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Will They Fight Back?

Now that the parents of a kindergartner have apparently started a petition to overthrow reorganize the "F" school Windsor Prep's and East Windsor Academy's management, one does wonder what some of the ramifications will be?

After all dear readers, we all know what a vicious, bullying, vindictive group they are now up against, now don't we?

Saturday, January 23, 2016


This is a link to the minutes from the "F" school Windsor Prep/ East Windsor Academy's December Board meeting.
Looks there are a lot of problems..tee hee

Is It Too Little Too Late? (Can I Say Told You So?)


It just gets better and better. Seriously, every day I wake up and it's comedy gold.

The "pride"(?) you people must feel for having enrolled your children in the "F" school Windsor Prep, and it's associated East Windsor Academy must just make you want to wear bags over your heads.

To think of all the time spent in traffic jams, the poor character so many of you have displayed, the property damage, cursing, street brawls, borderline illegal activities, pseudo stalking, I just have to shake my head in amusement.

At least it finally seems like one of you has come to their senses however...

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Makes You Wonder

So, Newpoint Education many questionable dealings...grade tampering, Illegal allocation of equipment, mishandling of funds, poor management and oversight, multiple schools under their management with failing grades, staff resigning left and right, not meeting target enrollment, State and County investigations, and more.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

It's Been Six Days So Where Are Your Facts, "Facts"?

It's been slightly longer than six days since the anonymous reader "Facts" challenged the veracity of the true facts posted on this blog.

This "person" implied that "F" school Windsor Prep is no longer an "F school., but rather have pulled themselves out of the mire of inferiority, failure, and disgrace, to the lofty ( ha ha) grade of "C".

Maybe this is what "Facts" is confused over - TBT- Romano -state-cooks-the-books-on-tests-why-ever-trust-them-again but would that really count?

I searched and searched to find some evidence that this unlikely miraculous feat had in "fact" occurred. Alas, I could not in "Fact" find that proof. Ho Hum Sigh.

I replied with a challenge that he, or she, parent, or "F" school Windsor Prep staff member offer some sort of proof to back that up.

And what response did that challenge receive? Cue the chirping crickets, 'cause I got nuthin'. Nada. Zip. Bupkiss. I would say this shocks me, buuuuuut....Ha Ha Ha does not.

So, here I offer that challenge again...anyone? Anything?

And I encourage any reader to research this themselves.  -  this is the page where you can find the school grade, and see how they fall into the very bottom 300 of the 615 Charter schools operating in Florida. In fact, they are in the bottom 300 of  the 4,323 operational public schools PLUS the 615 operational charter schools. *** Original Blog post July 7,2015

Or revisit this Sept. 29, 2014 blog post and the School Improvement Plan

Until then, since the "facts" seem to support my statements, I will continue to refer to "F" school Windsor Prep as an "F" school, because their school grade is an "F".

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

PTA Meeting

For years the school has had very modest turn outs for the Board meetings and PTA Meetings. Last nights crowd was huge. Cars filled the parking lot, people lined up to get inside. Finally, some real parental involvement.

Guess there is a lot of concern, frustration, and worry on the parts of parents who really believed they were sending their special little kiddos to what they thought of as practically a tuition free private school. Aw, sad when your entitled behavior and mistreatment of the folks in the surrounding neighborhood doesn't pay off quite like you expected, huh?

Just imagine...all of the obnoxious behavior, harassmenttraffic tie ups, issues with kids getting dumped, lack of diversity and few handicapped being allowed to attend, students getting rejected or turned away, cherry picking of students, construction mishaps, property damage, mishandling of state funds, high teacher turnover, not teaching the promised curriculum, being an "F" school, cleanliness issues, lack of classroom resources, etc.

Boyo...maybe the parents should have taken five minutes in front of a computer doing a little research on the problems that seem to plague Newpoint Education Partners run schools. But then that would mean being responsible, knowledgeable, and better prepared to make solid decisions. Can't have that, now can we?

Certainly not when someone is dangling a shiny new building and making promises left and right about how awesome things are going to be and how special they are...and without any proof or history to back that up. I guess all that glitters really isn't gold, huh?

You honestly would think that three years into this operation they would at least have figured out how keep the school clean and developed an effective curriculum, wouldn't you?

But then, maybe that's why so many Charter Schools fail. They are opened and run by shady, often inexperienced, and frequently fly by night groups who are just in it for the money.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tampa Bay Times Gets It...Finally

A few days ago, the Tampa Bay Times published an editorial that makes for pretty good reading.

Many of my previous posts reference the same facts the Times cited. Please read it. Research the numbers and facts on your own. Research Newpoint Education Partners, and Windsor Education LLC. Research the history of the individuals that established both. 

Further, research the facts on this school, it's teachers, the curriculum, and the many problems they have had. 

Don't just take my opinion, or the word of any of the staff...look for facts. Then decide if this is all worth it.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Facts? Cute

Oh dear sweet readers...another meaningful comment was recently left on the blog by yet another brand new, no profile, no other activity individual.  I have to admit, I'm always curious as to whether these people are actually parents, or members of the staff.