Monday, January 25, 2016

Will They Fight Back?

Now that the parents of a kindergartner have apparently started a petition to overthrow reorganize the "F" school Windsor Prep's and East Windsor Academy's management, one does wonder what some of the ramifications will be?

After all dear readers, we all know what a vicious, bullying, vindictive group they are now up against, now don't we?

But first, to anyone aligning with the revolutionists (lol), does it worry you that all these folks were tadpoles in  the same murky Ohio pools and now they are toads here in Florida running your school? 

Should you be worried that rather than fighting to renew the charter on their "F" school, they might instead just shut it down, reorganize, and open a new school? They aren't afraid of getting dirty. And this is a big money maker, don't kid yourselves.

You should really read this entire article, If you do, you will see some very familiar company names, as well as familiar names of people who run/own them. You will also see exactly where they come from and what kind of tricks they have up their sleeves.

Here is an article from InWeekly from 06 May 2015  that also outlines some of the connections: InWeekly. Read the whole thing. It's glorious. 

Here's a couple other links just for information, and to get you started, but remember folks. RESEARCH  it all yourself. 
Go here and search the address 5175 45th st. Look who the owner is.

Now go here: Wellington Crossings and scroll down to see "Registered Name/address" and "Authorized Person Details".

Now go here: Charter School Properties and start clicking. 

Then go here Charter School Properties 2

And here Newpoint & Newpoint , here Windsor, here Cambridge, and here Midwest.

See how some are Non Profit, and some aren't? Now go to the financials of the school itself, which you can find in the Charter Agreement online. Look who contracts with whom, and who owns what.

Oh what a tangled, and messy web we weave.

In fact, if you go through past blog posts, I have put the links right there for you multiple times. Just look at all the names and connect the dots. 

Perhaps, if so many of you hadn't been so busy harassing all the "F" school's innocent neighbors, you would have recognized that you were fighting the wrong enemy and battle. You might have kept it from coming to this, given your kids a better opportunity, and spared yourselves the drama.

Ha ha, Ho ho, Hee hee...Hows that feel? I gotta admit folks, sometimes karma is sweet.

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