Saturday, January 23, 2016

Is It Too Little Too Late? (Can I Say Told You So?)


It just gets better and better. Seriously, every day I wake up and it's comedy gold.

The "pride"(?) you people must feel for having enrolled your children in the "F" school Windsor Prep, and it's associated East Windsor Academy must just make you want to wear bags over your heads.

To think of all the time spent in traffic jams, the poor character so many of you have displayed, the property damage, cursing, street brawls, borderline illegal activities, pseudo stalking, I just have to shake my head in amusement.

At least it finally seems like one of you has come to their senses however...
Lookie, lookie, lookie, it's a petition.

Wonder who started it, or how many of you will get behind it.


To quote from the petition: "A new management company is imperative to be elected as soon as possible. The issues with Newpoint management include but are not limited to troublesome financial records, misspent grant money funds of $75,000, and the unexplained expenses of taxpayer dollars. Additionally, the students are suffering tremendously due to lack of educational resources, as well as the high teacher turnover rate in direct correlation to the instability of Newpoint management."  (gosh, what blogger has been pointing this out all along? Oh, that's right, it was me. ha ha ha ha ha)

The first problem of course will be, if this petition succeeds, finding an honest charter school management company. There are very few, if any of those.

Plus, you will have to contend with Windsor Education LLC which essentially "owns" the schools, and which is just  a Newpoint Education Partners creation, and they are all former White Hat members. (research White Hat, especially in Ohio). Look at who owns the property, buildings, license, etc.

Gosh. Golly. And Gee Whiz. Just think. If ANY OF YOU had taken the time to research this school and it's "organization"  BEFORE enrolling your children, you might not be in this pickle.

I guess you were just too busy with all that harassment, bullying, bad behaving, and traffic jam sitting...all in the thought of getting a private school quality education for free ( tax payer expense)...and it's still your kids paying the price.

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