Monday, June 29, 2015

Here we go again....Yawn

Well fearless readers, another brand new account has been opened in order to leave comments  insults directed at this author, and this blog. Not untypical, or sadly, unexpected. But then, why would we expect any better?

Let's offer up a his comments, and argue them tit for tat. Here goes:

"My name is C*****e F*********r. I was born and raised in Saint Petersburg, Florida. This is my home. "- Yay for you!! Coincidentally it's my home addition to being the home of other people so badly affected by this school. (I decided it was probably best to remove his name)

"I have been informed of this blog that is filled with trash and hate towards a new school, Windsor Preparatory Academy. I attended Wellington School back in my day, the school that used to occupy the grounds. I am starting from the beginning so that I may truly see your problems and possibly help you move forward with your life, mentally and physically. " - Oh? you are offering to buy our houses and help us move? I mean you did say physically after all. keep in mind, property values have gone down so we will all expect to be over compensated, because when people come to look at the properties, they tend to get turned off by the traffic jams. And yes, I remember Wellington School fondly Even though our houses and neighborhood were here before they were, when they came in it was much smaller operation, and a much better group of people. (And it isn't a new school. It's young, granted, but after three years you would think they could do a better job)

"First, in response to your comment requirements, your hate-filled mind doesn't contain the politeness you require for responses on your blog. If you were polite, you wouldn't be, literally, screaming at the teachers who work at the school, one of which happens to be a very close friend of mine. This close friend of mine values their job, both as a teacher and a mentor to kids. This teacher doesn't appreciate you illegally filming her on camera when she politely asked you not to, and then received more screaming. This teacher also on Here are some news articles regarding "F"school-Windsor Prep Academy:" -   Hahahahaha. Have you reviewed the videos? Of course you haven't pumpkin. If you had, you would hear that the only yelling (other than at a parent who had parked on a neighbors grass) heard on them was not by any neighbor, but was by the staff of the school. Now, to clarify, is your friend one of the ones caught cursing and hurling insults in front of kids, or one of the ones who had the knock down drag out, expletive laden husband/wife battle in the parking lot? 
  It happened again when my neighbor organized a neighborhood meeting that took place at the entrance of the school and which was attended by County Traffic representatives. And , since you do not know any of us involved,  how are you qualified to determine that anyone was "literally screaming" at the teachers? Maybe your mind needs help moving on to that which it has actual knowledge of.
 To further assist you, I have attached a link to the laws regarding video taping in a public place to help you recognize what in actuality IS legal, and if you take the time to review the videos on you tube you will see that none of what you have written here occurred as you have portrayed it.
Florida Statutes
Digital Media Law Project

"You say you moderate comments. Have you ever thought that making that very statement makes people think that if they do comment, you'll just delete it if you disagree in any way?" - Nope, here they are. I reserve the right to moderate so that people can't post cursed filled rants, not to hide opinions that disagree with mine.

"Also, what about the kids attending this school? If you truly cared about the children at the school, which you claim when talking about their safety and having a school to attend, then you wouldn't be trying to shut down the very school they attend. Can you imagine EVERY parent finding out that their child's school was shut down by the county because of complaints from you?"  Yes, what about the kids? They attend an "F" rated school, that promised to teach better than a public school, yet by it's own admission teaches the Pinellas County Schools established curriculum, and in the exact manner the County Public Schools teach it. Further, where was the staff and schools concern for the kids when they knew the school was not going to be ready to start all the kids enrolled at the start of the year. Did they call them ahead of time and help them get placed or make alternative plans? No. They lied to them right up until the very last minute and abandoned them via email. Pure Class. And newsflash "F" school Windsor Prep's dear and beloved friend, the county won't shut the school down because of an individuals complaints. They heave to have factual evidence on which to invalidate the Charter. The school failing provided them with some ammunition to that cause all by themselves. I merely point out that with the parent company's history, the odds are stacked against them. AND, frankly, parents should care more about the school, the management, the education provided, and the school keeping or not keeping it's promises than they should anything else. 

"Complaining in a blog with hate and whining does nothing. It keeps you at this very low level of existence and consciousness. If you truly cared about the problems that concern you, you would complain to the school owners, and not on some hate-bred blog. This is pointless and unhealthy for you, as well as others. This "...isn't really worth your time...", or energy. - " Clearly it isn't pointless, as it generates a lot of concern and reaction. Score! And many of us did complain to both the school principal, and the Management company, Newpoint Education Partners ( have you read any of the posts, or are you just firing from the hip?)

"Judging by your "requirements", I assume this comment won't remain up, and you probably won't respond. I hope this isn't the case as I am not here to hurt you. I am here to help you." - Ok, but keep in mind what the first three letters in "assume" stand for. And let me assure you: You have no power with which to hurt me, and I think you are more than a little disingenuous in your offers of help. If you had been sincere, you would in fact have shown how you plead our case with your special friend and their coworkers, while offering insight and suggestions that were not just insults.

'Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing back from you." - Well, you did. Hope it was all you dreamt it would be. But wait, there's more..........

  Did your special friend, the teacher, happen to mention any of the polite letters sent to the school by multiple neighbors?
  Did your special friend, the teacher, tell you about the elderly neighbor who called the school one day and was told to "leave us the fuck alone"?
 Did your special friend, the teacher at the "F" school, Windsor Prep show you the news reports that were not  faked and which showed the damage to adjoining properties?
 Did your special friend, the teacher, tell you anything about the ambulance that had a hard time getting through to the elderly lady dying of cancer? Or the Liver transplant recipient who was threatened with assault by a parent when he asked them not to park (literally) in his driveway as he had a Dr's appointment to get to?
  Did your special friend, the teacher, care about or express concern over fire hydrants being blocked, people's mailboxes getting run over, property damage, trespassing, traffic violations, fights in the streets???? Any of that?  No????
  Perhaps all that they care about is the fact that this blog posts readily available, factual information about the "F" school Windsor Prep, it's parent company Newpoint Education Partners, Windsor Education LLC, associated companies like Cambridge, and White Hat, as well as the characters that comprise all of the above. Of course it is Pookie.

Hmmm. Well. I guess we just expect too much of those "special friends" now don't we?

And lastly- two points.
First, no one is trying to get the school shut down. All any of us wanted (and yes, there are more than just one or two of us) was to find a way that we could all coexist (school included) in such a way that we didn't have to expect so many bad things to happen to us just because the school is there. Traffic back ups are to be expected, but really, is the rest acceptable. No it isn't and the parents and staff should be ashamed. Period. 

You act as though this blog is all that is wrong,  and as though none of the previously mentioned items are not, and you are wrong. Try living this for a couple of hours, twice a day, five days a week, nine months of the year. Oh wait. you probably wouldn't put up with that. And the law enforcement for whatever municipality you reside in might actually care ( since their kids may not go there and their wife might not be an employee)

Second. Your special friend, the teacher at the "F" school Windsor Prep should worry about their job. If you have taken even just a moment to do anything but judge this blogger, you would have read that Newpoint Education Partners has a really disturbing track record when it comes to school oversight, and in regards to the treatment of their teachers. I truly and sincerely wish them luck.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6/29/2015

    There is no need to disrespect the fact that I politely introduced myself to you. You have complained that people anonymously post to your blog. I was merely showing you some respect, of which you seem to lack. If you had any, you would talk to me directly. But, I understand. You have to blast people on your own blog to make yourself feel better, when all it does is bring out your weaknesses and debunks your argument.

    If you're so badly affected from all this, then move. How does this affect you anyways? Are you constantly trying to leave your neighborhood at the exact time students are being dropped off and picked up? I doubt it but then again, I don't know you, I just know of you. And for someone who always seems to be home, acting like a child, I don't see this affecting you at all. I just don't understand the goal of your blog.

    If you would like to move, I will gladly purchase your house. You're on the corner, right next to the original building, correct? 5099? It isn't in great market shape, but I could easily flip it.

    There is no need to use nicknames or turn into a bully. Please elevate yourself. My name is not Pumpkin. I introduced myself as Charlie, which is my name, so please use it. Thanks.

    My close friend was only being filmed by you, amongst all of the license plates you filmed, including my friend's. My friend respectfully asked you not to film and you kept filming. Posting these videos, which include license plates, is illegal unless you blur them out. Especially since you slander my friend because of this blog and related videos.

    So now I'm an "ass"ume? I've done nothing but respectfully commented on your blog, something you ask for, and you've turned around and hypocritically broken your own rules?

    For whatever reason you have to continue this blog, you have weak arguments. This is probably why you haven't had much comment traffic.

    Also, firefighters will break windows/move objects in the way of a fire hydrant. Plus, the truck wasn't even close enough to block the hydrant.

    Please stop with all of the different font colors. It just makes you look desperate.
