Saturday, September 26, 2015

Montana vs. Florida

Interesting read...I love how they use the proliferation of Charter schools in Florida as the example of how they DON'T want to be.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Big Corporations, Jeb Bush's Shame, and Charter School Fallacies

A February Baltimore Sun article written by the former Maryland State, and Philadelphia Superintendent of Schools states: 

" ...Mixed academic results: Charters, on the whole, do not result in significant improvement in student performance. It's mixed at best. In some evaluations, charter schools overall actually underperform regular public schools.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Jeb Bush and his Industry of Corruption

To quote the brilliant activist blogger Diana Ravitch,:
"Jeb Bush is trying to present himself to the public as a moderate. Nothing could be farther from the truth. When it comes to education, Jeb Bush boasts of the wonderful transformation of the schools in Florida, but that is not an accurate portrayal of what Bush actually did. With his far-right dedication to privatization, he has created a voracious industry of greed, which relies on the public’s gullibility. Some of his allies are getting very rich, but the children of Florida are not benefitting by the opening and closing of charter schools, many of which operate for-profit."

She  is citing this article : 

How Jeb Bush's Florida Plan for School "Choice" Created an Industry of Corruption and chaos by Jeff Bryant

Both are great reads and I recommend them highly. 

$$$ Charter School Management Companies Make Millions$$$

This is another great article on the corrupt environment surrounding Charter Schools and the questionable relationships many have with their "management" companies.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Cheap Grub and Poor Service

I knew not very many seemed inclined to attend, but I thought there would be more than this:

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


  I was just talking to another "F" school Windsor Prep Academy neighbor about the traffic mess, and two things:

Are Charter Schools Unconstitutional?

So, while one group of teachers are trying to figure how to boil water and calculate the amount of pasta to prepare for a smallish group of people, another is apparently wondering if in the long run, they will even have jobs.

Perhaps this charming group at "F" school Windsor Prep, and their other money maker  school, East Windsor Middle Academy should worry too.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Would You Like Cheese With Those Meatballs?

Ooooh, the clouds are rolling in, perchance there is a chance of meatballs?

I know, I know. That one was just so easy, lol.

Bu all jokes aside, lets get serious for a minute

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Would You Like Meatballs With That?

I wonder....will there be a question and answer session, or are we all expected to sit there and smile like the fools it seems they think we are?