Friday, February 26, 2016

Yawn. More Comments and Some Facts *With 2 Updates*

So today I wake up to more lovely comments. All were badly phrased, with improperly used words, poor spelling, no sentence structure, etc. Clearly the products of the lovely "Last EARNED grade was an F but have now been granted a C" school Windsor Prep.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

These Are The Kids This School Produces

  Oh comments. This latest round of nasty comments comes to you courtesy of a group of middle school age brats kids who attend "Earned an F" school Windsor Prep and/or East Windsor Middle School. 
  This was made painfully obvious by the poor spelling, lack of proper grammar, and liberal use of insults and curse words. 

1st comment comes from  "Lynsey D." -
"Okay first of all... GROW UP!! And second of all. Are you serious?? This is a elementary and middle school for kids and your like what? 50-60 years old! Quit complaining and grow some! Quit taking pictures of all the students like.. Petifile much! and don;t even try and lie about it because I have proof of you doing it. Also you think our school wouldn;t stand up for it, Oh maybe because we actually act like were mature enough and don;t got time for you
on Good Morning Boys and Girls. New comments, LOL"

 Doesn't she seem like an articulate, intelligent, little princess?

 Looks like big new words, like "petifile" really throw her for a loop though. 
 Linsey dear, the word is Pedophile...just sayin. Insults are far more effective when the receiving party isn't laughing at your inability to spell. 
  Also, maybe you should spend a wee bit more time studying not just spelling, but also things like grammar, and sentence structure. Perhaps then your school could earn higher than an "F" when you all test, and not have to rely on the state having to do them favors.
  You may also want to get your facts straight little girl, I haven't taken any pics of kids..just cars...unless cars are enrolled at your pathetic precious school.If so, maybe the test scores will go up.
  Lastly, if you haven't got time for this, then why leave a comment?
Also..bring your "proof" because I'll bet you're wrong in who you think this is. ( see how I added that apostrophe?).

The 2nd comment comes from "Unknown"-
"You really,REALLY,disgust me,you awful peace of trash. Listen Soccer mom. Its been over a couple years since the school has been built and we gave you the 3 months of summer to move your fat ass out. 
on New Comments, What A Hoot"

Oh, you "gave me the 3 months of summer to move"? How gracious of you. I guess I was just too busy hauling those imaginary kids of mine to those imaginary soccer games to bother. By the way, I didn't know "soccer mom" was a heinous insult.('s not) 

3rd comment was left by "Captain Chris", who is also apparently the unknown from above. 

"I;ve never heard of a petition from the school nor can i find one when i google it.What is this petition? 
on Is The Petition On The Up and Up?"

  Soooo, let me get this straight. You are clever enough to find this blog, and to leave nasty insulting comments on it, but you aren't clever enough to click on the two links in the very post you commented on which would have taken you to the two petitions
  And doesn't it  just show the self entitled hypocrisy this child possesses, that he/she would then ask for the links? 
Thank you for proving all of my previous posts.

4th, and most colorful pair of comments were left by "Y"-
"You;re a MOTHERFUCKING BITCH with no life and nothing to do except stalk children who are trying to get an education. Some people even think you;re a child abuser. BITCH. 
on Good Morning Boys and Girls. New comments, LOL

and then they left this 
"Boo hoo if you hate the neighborhood so much move your ass somewhere else, And get a life you psycopathic stalker. You;re an ugly ass petafile with no respect for other people. You don;t know how to mind your own business and you take pictures of innocent children. You. Are. An. Ass. HOLE. 
on Good Morning Boys and Girls. New comments, LOL"

  HaHaHaHa. The spelling is adorable. 
  Boy kids, these big, complicated words really just crush you, huh? 
  I also love the irony. You want to post comments full of nastiness and insults but it's the other person who has no respect for others? Here's a new phrase for you ( and no, I don't expect you to be able to spell it), "self awareness much?". 
  By the way, asshole is one word, and petafile is actually spelled pedophile.You're welcome.

The last set of comments may be the best. They were left by "Crystal B."-
"you need to stop this school may have its bad days but it is actually a really good school so u need to hop of the internet and leave our school alon we are a "c" school not an f school you need to take ur old ass and leave thank bye bitch 
on New Comments, What A Hoot"

  Whew! All that, and not one bit of punctuation. Seriously little girl...learn to spell. 
  You may also want to study up on sentence structure like the rest of your friends, but that would mean not sitting in front of the video game console, or playing on Deviant Art. 
  I will say, your pride and excitement over that "C" are adorable. In fact, you remind me of a dog whose been thrown a bone and has to prance about, showing it off.  
  Bye Crystal!

  Now, as far as that "C", that isn't an earned grade. The last grade your school actually earned was an "F". The "C" was issued by the state due to the problems with testing last year. 
  Because the testing was halted, no actual grades could be calculated, so the state issued grades based on an assumption that the failing school might have improved. 
  It's sort of like they're hoping that the school doesn't suck as hard anymore so they are giving them a free pass just in case they don't, without any merit or proof of such. Neat huh? 
 Knowing the history of "Earned an F" school Windsor Prep, and after reading/seeing these children's inability to form a proper sentence, I'd say that was probably not a safe assumption.

   Finally, I must reiterate that these kids are just the classic  example of Windsor/Newpoint progeny here folks. Of course what more can any of us expect?    
  These are the children being raised and influenced by the parents who had/have no problems fighting in the streets, threatening elderly and sick people, who happily parked in peoples yards, damaged private property, block fire hydrants, jammed up streets to the extent the neighborhood was paralyzed daily. keeping emergency crews from being able to respond, and more.
  The staff ( what remain of them that is) are no better, and the school continues to fail these children by not keeping the promises they made to them.
   I'd say their parents should be proud, but from the whiny, angst ridden drivel posts on their social media pages, it seems their parents probably don't care.Guess they are too busy planning spaghetti dinners, lol.
  Boo Hoo. Guess they will have to spend a few hundred more wasted hours playing video games and creating bad artwork.

Monday, February 8, 2016

New Comments, What A Hoot

Ah dear readers, the wonderful people associated with the classless organization that is the "F" school Windsor Prep can always be counted on to be charming and erudite.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Is The Petition On The Up and Up?

We all know the chagrined disgruntled Parents and guardians of students at "F" school Windsor Prep, and East Windsor Middle School have started a IPetition.