Sunday, October 12, 2014


Here's a link to the agenda of the MPO meeting on Oct 1, and School Transportation & Enhanced Pedestrian Safety Committee Agenda for September 17, 2014, from 9:00a.m. – 11:30a.m.

Most of it can be skipped over. Starting on pg 65 some interesting items pop up. In the notes it states:
"Another big issue that needs to be looked at who is responsible for the frontage of Charter School sites. There are a total of five Plato Academies. Windsor Academy is in process of redevelopment and they are anticipating 650 students. We are not the legal guardians of Charter Schools. Marshall shares that we are looking at zoning to remain the same for our next school year. District is hoping that with the re- opening of Gulf Beaches and Kings Highway as technology attractors, we can pull some of our students back in our schools. We still hope that since we have changed the Agenda it may encourage others to come and participate. We are a unique group and as we see annexations continue, there will be a sharing of jurisdictional boundaries. They would also have the opportunity to add items for new business and decide to leave at that point or stay for the additional information from STEPS. "

Further down, in site specific open studies, they note: 
Windsor Academy Travel to School concern # 13142 & 13144
Looking for Crossing Guards, speed regulations, traffic signs for school that is shoehorned 
in at the dead end of street. 175 vehicles moving in and out. Increase to enrollment 
projection. No secondary egress on this property. Looking at putting No Parking signs. Will 
not be able to complete driveway and expansion plan. Not sue of completion date yet.
Speed signs need to be put on 45th Street and 54th Ave N. Will test Collaborative agreement. 
Signal Warrant Study at 45th St and 54th Ave. 
Robert left message with asst. principal about contacting his parents to look at other means of 
access. Major construction in place.
* note that they have an inaccurate count of vehicles. That was the first year vehicle count, and is not reflective of the increase in enrollment over the last two years. The current year enrollment is over 580 students with an informal traffic count of over 400 vehicles going in and out morning and afternoon. This is a LOW number as neighbors have not yet been able to be out there before school starts, so a large number do not get counted. Of course it's on the agenda lol*

On page 108, it shows Charter School tracking and notes East Windsor Middle 

Location-Type # Relocatable units or permanent classrooms- 25
Owner - Lease Rent (from who???)
Year Started or Scheduled- 2014
Student Stations- 154
Students Enrolled- 154 ( this may have adjusted with lottery debacle lol)
Years in Contract- 1
Total Charter Students projected for 2018 - 2019 - 396
(So if current Windsor Prep enrollment stays at 580, and east Windsor meets the target of 396 enrolled by the 2018/19 school year, that will make a total of 986 kids, which is almost double the current enrollment, and will most likely double the number of cars coming in and out of the neighborhood each morning and afternoon. Really makes you look forward to school holidays and summer break now doesn't it?)

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