Well well well...looks as though our little neighborhood won't have to worry about another corrupt charter school invading our neighborhood and overburdening us with traffic.
No more idiotic, inconsiderate, self entitled parents glomming onto the idea of their kids attending what they perceive to be a private school setting at tax payer's expense.
No more low class jerks parking in our yards, knocking over our mailboxes, blocking our driveways, throwing garbage in our streets and yards, screaming obscenities, and abusing their relationships with deputies for personal gain.
No more obnoxious teachers and staff filing false police reports, trespassing, or having screaming matches with their husbands in the school parking lot.
Ambulances and emergency vehicles will able to get in to assist, parcel delivery and lawn services will not be disrupted...
Gosh, who ever thought we would miss the school? Cause we don't. Oh, does that sound smug? Sorry not sorry.
And now, with the county having purchased the site and opened a community center we will not have to worry about dealing with all of that again.