Thursday, July 13, 2017

So Are Charters Really Better?

Just look at this report out of Orange County after school grades were released.
Yes, several charters are thriving..but conversely so are public schools.
However, statewide they have a higher failure rate.

Orlando Sentinal

I do agree we need to improve the testing and grading process, but maybe we need to stop funding these private enterprises and focus on getting back to basics at public schools.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


More people, school boards, counties, and states need to start standing up to charter school groups, lobbyists, and greedy legislators.

Broward County suing state over legislature's "strong arm robbery," HB 7069 via Orlando Sentinal

Monday, June 19, 2017

More Indictments

Just thought I'd post these here in case anyone stops by..

Marcus May Indicted on racketeering charges

and Not surprised by this

Such a pretty picture

Yet again, I am reminded of what a gem this operation was all about the children, damn the neighborhood and it's residents. You drove a family out, tried to ruin another, harassed and bullied many...and you still lost.

The best part of it all is that the burden of that lies on all of the Windsor Prep families for not having done any research, and for having invested their children into this quagmire.

And lastly, I bet all the children whom you acted as though they would die if they did not get to attend this school are doing perfectly fine.